2024 Redesign

← Back to articles4 months ago | by Håkon Underbakke

It was about time for a new redesign/revamp of this website (I think this is the... fifth redesign?). The last version of my portfolio was made using NextJS pages router, and this time around I really wanted to try out RSC via NextJS's app router - so I did.

New design screenshot

RSC is awesome

Using React Server Components feels great. The tight coupling between server and client retrospectively feels super natural. No regrets here.

<look-mom> Server rendered syntax highlighting! </look-mom>

More than anything, the fact that I don't have to manually stitch up lots of API calls (and deal with everything that comes with that) to create a simple website like this one - is what sells me on the concept.

SEO is nice too 🙂

Begone, Wordpress!

If you didn't know, I've been using Wordpress as a headless CMS for the last few iterations of this website. I decided to scrap this, and use a folder with markdown files instead. I've become very accustomed to writing articles in markdown, and I enjoy the simplicity of this method.

  • I write articles in markdown files in a given folder
    • And enrich the markdown files with frontmatter (title, date, summary)
  • I retrieve the list of files, using fs

One benefit over Wordpress is that I can more easily preview the articles as I'm writing them. Not having to deal with Wordpress at all (logging into a separate domain, navigating their solution, etc...) is a nice benefit as well. I prefer writing raw markdown over using a WYSIWYG editor.

I've kept giscus for the comment section, as it is nice and simple solution to adding some form of reader-feedback on my articles. It's loaded in a client component, of course.

Motion? More like GSAP

My previous iteration heavily utilized the motion library to add page transitions and animations. I've decided to remove motion entirely, and use GSAP for animations instead. I found GSAP easier to integrate cleanly, and with the ScrollTrigger plugin, it allows me to write seamless scrollytelling.

Open Props rock

I'm a big fan of technologies that try to harmonize with the standard web API. Remix is one of them, and if remix/react-router had RSC support when this iteration was started I probably would've went with that framework instead.

Open Props is another of these technologies. It's a set of CSS tokens that can be used as a design system. I have wanted to try this out since I first heard about it - and I can safely say that I'm a huge fan.

Not the most creative design

I decided to keep a lot of the old ideas in lieu of redesigning the whole website. The landing page header is very similar, but I decided to simplify the "my experience" and "about me" sections. The typography is also nicer and more responsive, thanks to open props.

Blasts from the past!

Warning: some of these might be a bit hard to look at... for me.

In chronological order: 2016, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024!

What about the old articles?

For now, I redirect directly to the old wordpress instance for 404 article routes. I will migrate old articles (and probably pick and choose a bit) eventually.

The old code is of course also available at my Github, so if I ever want to spin it up - I can do that.

Edit this page @ Github 🧑‍💻