Custom properties in React's style tag

← Back to articles3 months ago | by Håkon Underbakke


Add a index.d.ts file in the root of your project (if you don't already have one), and in it add the following:

import "csstype";

declare module "csstype" {
  interface Properties {
    [index: `--${string}`]: string | number;

You do not need to add csstype as a dependency for this to work.

Why isn't this "fixed"?

React uses csstype's CSS.Properties type in their source code to define their CSSProperties type, which is used on HTML elements' style attribute. The devs actually left a comment in the source code definition for the type that throws the error:

The index signature was removed to enable closed typing for style using CSSType. You're able to use type assertion or module augmentation to add properties or an index signature of your own.

For examples and more information, visit:

If you follow the link, you'll see that csstype recommends that you set this up yourself in a .d.ts file. This comes with the benefit of being able to restrict which properties are allowed:


import "csstype";

declare module "csstype" {
  interface Properties {
    // Add specific properties
    "--theme-color"?: "black" | "white";
    // Or allow namespaced CSS Custom Properties
    [index: `--theme-${string}`]: string | number;
    // Or allow any custom properties
    [index: `--${string}`]: string | number;

In the actual examples, csstype uses any as the value type, while I prefer using string | number - you do as you wish.

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